Power of internet
A few days ago I found myself thinking about the power of internet. All the services available open up incredible possibilites that we could only dream of a few years ago. The fact that most of what we today call internet sprung up in the last 10-15 years and that we before that couldn't even imagine the possibilities we take for granted today.
But what is the real power of internet? The real power of internet is of course information. That's really all there is to internet if you start to think about it.
And then I found myself thinking that if information is the real value and power of internet, then the power of internet is not within the internet itself, but within the user. I have been working with computers as my main tool in studies, work and spare time since I was 8-10 years old and for me using the computer is very natural. But this is not true for all people, in fact it is not true for most people. The way I use the computer, the programs on the computer and the services on the internet brings together the power of the internet - or should i say the value of internet since the power is within the user - for me to use at my own will.
But as I said, this is not true for most people. Most people find the computer coming in between them and what they want to do. They now there are so many possibilites with the computer, the programs and the internet - but they just can't seem to get the computer to cooperate. And while some people struggle with their computer or simply giving it up or perhaps even miss out on the best and coolest features of whatever, people that are in control of the computer and the internet can find the information they want and the services they need faster and cheaper.
For me, the computer used to be my hobby. It used to be the goal of learning the computer - to be able to use it, play with it or do whatever. Since I started working with computers on a daily basis, I've started seeing the computer as a tool which lets me do the things I really want to do. By using the computer I solve problems unsolvable in any other way, I pay my bills, send e-mails, plan my trips, by my books, share my pictures and much much more. All these things are done more efficiently, cheaper and faster than I could have done otherwise - which leaves room for living, meeting friends and doing whatever makes me feel good at the moment.
So the value of internet is really information, and the power of internet is really within the user of internet. And knowledge is power. This have always been true, compare with the church of old times or the librarians of more modern times. They have been a power source because they have the knowledge and thus some sort of truth. Today information is so readily available that everyone can get it. But the difference between information and knowledge is not insignificant and we once more see that an experiences user can find much more valuable knowledge on the internet than a layman could in the same time.
So will there be a librarian of the internet? Of course we have Google, Yahoo and other search engines that try to be the librarian. And we have more limited services where you pay for expert users to search for limited knowledge for you - e.g. Google Answers. But the best way would probably be to become your own librarian of internet. Learn to use the internet in an efficient way and loads and loads of time and money can be saved.
Where did I want to go with this post? I honestly don't know. It felt like a really good start, but I think I lost some of my points got lost in the conversion from mind to "paper". Anyhow - enjoy and give me feedback. Might try to write it down later on when I've wrapped my head around my thoughts and what I really wanted to say.
But what is the real power of internet? The real power of internet is of course information. That's really all there is to internet if you start to think about it.
And then I found myself thinking that if information is the real value and power of internet, then the power of internet is not within the internet itself, but within the user. I have been working with computers as my main tool in studies, work and spare time since I was 8-10 years old and for me using the computer is very natural. But this is not true for all people, in fact it is not true for most people. The way I use the computer, the programs on the computer and the services on the internet brings together the power of the internet - or should i say the value of internet since the power is within the user - for me to use at my own will.
But as I said, this is not true for most people. Most people find the computer coming in between them and what they want to do. They now there are so many possibilites with the computer, the programs and the internet - but they just can't seem to get the computer to cooperate. And while some people struggle with their computer or simply giving it up or perhaps even miss out on the best and coolest features of whatever, people that are in control of the computer and the internet can find the information they want and the services they need faster and cheaper.
For me, the computer used to be my hobby. It used to be the goal of learning the computer - to be able to use it, play with it or do whatever. Since I started working with computers on a daily basis, I've started seeing the computer as a tool which lets me do the things I really want to do. By using the computer I solve problems unsolvable in any other way, I pay my bills, send e-mails, plan my trips, by my books, share my pictures and much much more. All these things are done more efficiently, cheaper and faster than I could have done otherwise - which leaves room for living, meeting friends and doing whatever makes me feel good at the moment.
So the value of internet is really information, and the power of internet is really within the user of internet. And knowledge is power. This have always been true, compare with the church of old times or the librarians of more modern times. They have been a power source because they have the knowledge and thus some sort of truth. Today information is so readily available that everyone can get it. But the difference between information and knowledge is not insignificant and we once more see that an experiences user can find much more valuable knowledge on the internet than a layman could in the same time.
So will there be a librarian of the internet? Of course we have Google, Yahoo and other search engines that try to be the librarian. And we have more limited services where you pay for expert users to search for limited knowledge for you - e.g. Google Answers. But the best way would probably be to become your own librarian of internet. Learn to use the internet in an efficient way and loads and loads of time and money can be saved.
Where did I want to go with this post? I honestly don't know. It felt like a really good start, but I think I lost some of my points got lost in the conversion from mind to "paper". Anyhow - enjoy and give me feedback. Might try to write it down later on when I've wrapped my head around my thoughts and what I really wanted to say.
2 kommentarer:
Den nya tidens klasskillnad? Istället för arbetarklass, överklass osv, så handlar det istället om de som kan hantera den nya teknologin som växer fram och de som inte kan. Nya orättvisor växer fram? De som inte kan eller vill får sämre möjligheter och det blir dyrare för dem? Jag vet inte, det var bara en fundering efter att ha läst ditt inlägg. Jag har ju god hjälp men det finns mycket finesser som jag inte har tid eller ork att ta till mig... Fast Stefan håller på fixa ny dator till mig, jag ska tydligen kör Ubuntu... Hmmm.. det blir nog bra =)
Jag gör en mycket stor del av mitt arbete genom att utnyttja nätet. Jag söker då upp de organisationer som jag är intresserad av och laddar ner deras rapporter, årsredovisningarn etc. Det går oerhört mycket fortare och enklare än att gå upp till dem och plocka på mig diverse tryckt material. Det är en funktion hos nätet.
En annan är när jag vill ha reda på något, ofta ett namn, en adress, ett telefonnummer, ent tågtid eller något annat praktiskt. Det går mycket fortare och enklare än att ringa. Också information men då specifik för ett visst behov.
Köpa böcker och musik gör jag nästan uteslutande över nätet och det är ganska omfattande handel. Levereras oftast i brevlådan två eller tre dagar senare. Bekvämt - och det är inte primärt information då utan affärer.
Allra viktigast för mig är posten. Också den går naturligtvis att klara på det traditionella sättet genom att stoppa en skrivelse (+CD) i ett kuvert, frankera, posta och sedan tar det upp till en vecka innan brevet kommit till en adressat i utlandet. Knappast information primärt.
Sedan är det också smarta program som jobbar med programmet på servern i stället för på min dator. Den här bloggen till exempel.
Frågan är alltså om det verkligen är information det nu primärt cirklar kring. Visst är det en bit men kommunikation tycks mig vara viktigare. Dvs när jag väljer att kontakta en bestämd person och skriver till honom eller henne, eller betalar för en vara eller en tjänst. Ibland är det jag som skickar saker, informerar till en person eller en liten grupp.
Kanske vi inte lever i ett informationssamhälle men snarare i ett kommunikationssamhälle.
Den där klasskillnaden t ex. Är den inte mer en ålders- och generationsskillnad? Ta mobiltelefonen som verkligen varenda en har och använder. Den har jag aldrig intresserat mig för och jag har fortfarande svårt för SMS och schabblar när jag försöker. För att inte tala om att ta bilder med mobilen eller att använda den för att göra saker på nätet.
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